Mary Baker
7114 S 49th St
Omaha NE 68157-2273
No daylily shipping/sales to Alaska, Hawaii, Montana, or Oregon.
We are a licensed and inspected Nebraska daylily, allium, and daffodil nursery.
Shipping & handling: $18 for the first daylily or first three alliums or first three daffodils; $3 for each additional daylily or three additional alliums or three additional daffodils. Nebraska residents add 7% sales tax. Payment: Checks or money orders only, payable to Mary Baker. Please contact me via email before placing your order to ensure availability. Shipping begins in mid May.
Previous Daylily Introductions M - Z:
'Mary Barbara' (Mary Baker, 2020, tet) |
'Mary Barbara' (Mary Baker, 2020, tet) |
'Mary Barbara' (Mary Baker, 2020, tet)
'Mary Barbara' (Mary Baker, 2020, tet) clump in full sun |
My mom, the late Mary Barbara Middleton Kubat |
MARY BARBARA (Mary Baker, 2020, tet) is bright lemon yellow with an etched, veined, feathered, and notched red eye that darkens at the outer edge. Throat is large and brilliant green. Blooms measure 8 to 9 inches on 32 inch scapes with three-way branching and 17 to 24 buds. Semi-evergreen foliage. Pollen fertile. Begins blooming in early season and continues to bloom through midseason. Looks like a work of art and is very fragrant. My late mother chose this daylily to bear her name shortly before her death. She said it was bright, cheerful, and feminine just like her. Mom had a good eye—her namesake is one of my best. Seedling 1519: DRAGON NATION X BUSY BEING FABULOUS. $175 (single fan) SOLD OUT
'McCool Junction' (Mary Baker, 2013, tet) |
The hair band Justin Morgan formed in McCool Junction in 1982; this pic courtesy of guitar player Ed Fortenberry (second from left, Ed still has the T-shirt); pic taken March 1985 at Justin Morgan's agent's shop in Denver, Colorado |
McCOOL JUNCTION (Mary Baker, 2013, tet) is a diamond-dusted 5.75 inch bright lemon yellow with orange nuances at the edges of the petals, a partial gold edge, and a green throat on a sculpted relief form. Scapes are 28 inches tall with two branches and eight buds. This mischievous reverse bitone starts blooming in midseason. It reliably reblooms twice in our garden to delight us with mischievous, quirky blooms over a long period of time. Semi-evergreen foliage. Named for the Nebraska town and shares a bond with the hair band Justin Morgan, which began in McCool Junction in 1982. Parents are SIBERIAN SUMMER X KEY LIME SPECIAL. $30 (two fans) SOLD OUT
'Melanie Michelle' (Mary Baker, 2005, dip) |
'Melanie Michelle' (Mary Baker, 2005, dip) |
MELANIE MICHELLE (Mary Baker, 2005, dip) is a clear blue lavender pink with large triangular bright emerald green throat and good sun resistance. Nicely flat 5.25 inch flowers are displayed on 28 inch scapes with three-way branching and 16 buds. This midseason bloomer has semi-evergreen foliage. Named for my beautiful daughter Melanie. Parents are KAWANA X CHORUS LINE, but there is no trace of an eye. $25 (two fans)
'My Heart's Done Time' (Mary Baker, 2023, tet) |
'My Heart's Done Time' (Mary Baker, 2023, tet) |
'My Heart's Done Time' (Mary Baker, 2023, tet) |
'My Heart's Done Time' (Mary Baker, 2023, tet) |
MY HEART'S DONE TIME (Mary Baker, 2023, tet) is intense red with a lighter red watermark and a chartreuse to green throat. The six inch blooms are held on 27 inch scapes with three- to four-way branching and 15 to 18 buds. Blooms begin in early midseason. Semi-evergreen foliage. Sibling of PENT-UP PASSION. Fertile both ways, sets pods easily, and is producing some beautiful seedlings. Seedling 1555BRE: The Ultimate Sacrifice X Cardinal Kisses $100 (single fan) SOLD OUT
'Nan Wilkerson' (Nan Wilkerson/Mary Baker, 2017, tet) |
'Nan Wilkerson' (Nan Wilkerson/Mary Baker, 2017, tet) |
NAN WILKERSON (Nan Wilkerson/Mary Baker, 2017, tet) is a bright rose pink with a large pale pink watermark and small pale pink edge over a chartreuse to green throat. An early midseason bloomer with dormant foliage. Blooms measure 6.5 inches on 36 inch scapes with four-way branching and 19 to 21 well-spaced buds. Sets pods easily and is pollen fertile. One of Nan Wilkerson's best, and almost as beautiful as her namesake. Nan Wilkerson seedling 0997: (CAMEROONS TWISTER x WEBSTER'S PINK WONDER) X SWEET ISABELA. $75 (two fans) SOLD OUT
Omaha Beach (Mary Baker, 2022, tet) |
Omaha Beach (Mary Baker, 2022, tet) |
OMAHA BEACH (Mary Baker, 2022, tet) is a showy rose cranberry red with a pink watermark over a yellow to green throat. Segments have wire gold edges. Blooms measure 6 to 6.5 inches on 32 to 36 inch scapes with three- to four-way branching and 20 to 30 buds. It begins blooming in early midseason and typically reblooms in my garden, flowering over a long period of time. Blooms sometimes look like the first picture where the watermark is quite prominent, other times like the second picture where the watermark is somewhat prominent, and other times like the third picture where the watermark is more subtle. OMAHA BEACH is my husband Rich's favorite out of all my daylily seedlings. Rich selected its name to honor and commemorate our military veterans, especially those who gave their lives. Semi-evergreen foliage. Fertile both ways. Seedling 1504F: BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS X THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE. $100 (two fans) SOLD OUT
'Omaha Sunshine' (Matthew Kaskel/Mary Baker, 2005, tet)
'Omaha Sunshine' (Matthew Kaskel/Mary Baker, 2005, tet)
'Omaha Sunshine' (Matthew Kaskel/Mary Baker, 2005, tet) |
OMAHA SUNSHINE (Matthew Kaskel/Mary Baker, 2005, tet) is a ruffled 4 inch bright lemon yellow with a dark green throat and beautiful form. Produces many 24 inch scapes with four-way branching and 18 or more buds. Starts blooming in early season and continues blooming until midseason. Reblooms in Fargo, North Dakota and Champlin, Minnesota, where it is a proven hardy performer. Evergreen foliage. Grows vigorously and increases rapidly. Pod and pollen fertile. Omaha Sunshine was a 2007 AHS National Convention bus plant. Matthew Kaskel chose its name. Parents are out of Matthew's MY DARLING CLEMENTINE lines. $25 (two fans) SOLD OUT
One Hot Dragon (Mary Baker, 2022, tet) |
One Hot Dragon (Mary Baker, 2022, tet) |
ONE HOT DRAGON (Mary Baker, 2022, tet) is yellow with a large bright red eye on the petals and a brushed red eye on the sepals over a big yellow to green throat. Petals have a partial red picotee edge. Blooms measure 7.25 inches on 34 inch scapes with two-way branching and 14 buds plus instant rebloom scapes. It begins blooming in early midseason and reblooms here, providing eye-catching enjoyment over a long period of time. Evergreen foliage. Pollen fertile, the few attempts I've made at setting pods were unsuccessful, although a bee pod formed on the display plant (so pod fertility is likely possible but difficult). Seedling 1520B: DRAGON NATION X ONE HOT MAMA. $250 (single fan) SOLD OUT
Pent-up Passion (Mary Baker, 2022, tet) |
PENT-UP PASSION (Mary Baker, 2022, tet) is dark red with a notched rose watermark over a large yellow to green throat. Petals have a white wire edge. Blooms measure 5.5 inches on 29 inch scapes with three-way branching and 12 buds. PENT-UP PASSION begins blooming in early season, welcoming summer and attracting attention from across the garden. Semi-evergreen foliage. Fertile both ways. Seedling 1555FRE: THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE X CARDINAL KISSES. $100 (two fans) SOLD OUT
'Picasso's Dream' (Mary Baker, 2013, tet)
'Picasso's Dream' (Mary Baker, 2013, tet) |
'Picasso's Dream' (Mary Baker, 2013, tet) |
PICASSO'S DREAM (Mary Baker, 2013, tet) is a ruffled and recurved 5 inch yellow to gold with orange nuances, green throat, orange edge, and darker sepals (reverse bitone). Three-way branched scapes are 26 inches tall with 16 buds. Semi-evergreen foliage. Starts blooming in midseason and reblooms to extend the season. Easily pod fertile. A hardy performer in Bismarck, North Dakota; at Kathy & Mike Lamb's Loon Song Gardens in Champlin, Minnesota; and in my daughter Melanie's Omaha garden. Melanie chose the name for her beloved cat Picasso, who loved to sleep in the path of a sunbeam. Parents are CIEL D'OR X BUTTER CREAM. $30 (two fans) SOLD OUT
'Princess Molly' (Mary Baker, 2013, tet) |
'Princess Molly' (Mary Baker, 2013, tet) |
PRINCESS MOLLY (Mary Baker, 2013, tet) is a diamond-dusted flat 6 inch light pink with a large deep green throat and splayed anthers. Evergreen foliage with 31 inch scapes, five-way branching, and 25 buds. Buds are cute and neatly arranged. This unusual form crispate is a midseason bloomer. Pod fertile. Parents are COOL MORNING MIST X EMMA'S SONG. Limited. $30 (two fans)
'Purple Cane Church' (Mary Baker, 2023, tet) |
'Purple Cane Church' (Mary Baker, 2023, tet) |
'Purple Cane Church' (Mary Baker, 2023, tet) |
PURPLE CANE CHURCH (Mary Baker, 2023, tet) is near white with a big dark purple outer eye, lighter purple inner watermark, bright green throat, and dark purple edge. Blooms measure 5 inches on 26 inch scapes with two-way branching and ten buds. Starts blooming in early midseason. Semi-evergreen foliage. Makes slender/smaller fans. Fertile both ways and sets pods easily. Sibling of IN EDDIE'S MEMORY. This daylily is named for David Hugh Adams' song "Purple Cane Church" from his album Purple Cane 68649 recorded right here in Omaha, Nebraska (to listen to the tune, click Purple Cane Church song). Purple Cane is a small town in Dodge county, Nebraska. Seedling 1503-3: Blackthorne X Black and White Ball $100 (two fans) SOLD OUT
'Ric Rac' (Mary Baker, 2013, tet); below are scapes on 'Ric Rac' |
RIC RAC (Mary Baker, 2013, tet) is a pink cream yellow polychrome with a yellow to green throat and a gold edge, segments have some teeth. Nicely branched 35 inch scapes feature well-spaced 7 inch flowers with bud count registered as 24, but actual bud count is much higher (in the upper 30s). Starts blooming in midseason and reblooms, flowering and providing good garden value over a long period of time. Evergreen foliage. Fertile both ways. Parents are GIDDY GIRLFRIEND X TUXEDO JUNCTION. $30 (two fans) SOLD OUT
'Sean Michael' (Mary Baker, 2013, tet) |
'Sean Michael' (Mary Baker, 2013, tet) |
Sean Michael' (Mary Baker, 2013, tet) after several hours of heavy rain |
SEAN MICHAEL (Mary Baker, 2013, tet) is a ruffled clear bright red with a brilliant green throat, heavy substance, and very good sun resistance. Well-spaced 5.25 inch blooms are displayed on sturdy 38 inch scapes with three-way branching and 20 buds. This midseason bloomer has evergreen foliage, and often reblooms here. Fertile both ways and sets pods easily. Named for my awesome son Sean. SEAN MICHAEL is a wonderful daylily to grow in the garden, and it's proving to be an outstanding parent. It's the pod parent of BABY BEATNIK (Mary Baker, 2022, tet) as well as a parent or grandparent of many beautiful future red daylily registrations. Parents are FUNNY VALENTINE X DAVID'S GIFT. Limited. $30 (two fans)
Shakin' All Over (Mary Baker, 2023, tet) |
SHAKIN' ALL OVER (Mary Baker, 2023, tet) is diamond-dusted pink with a huge cream to yellow to green throat. It is occasionally edged with a few teeth and sometimes displays a faint eye. Unusual form crispate-cascade. Well-spaced blooms measure from 9.5 inches to 10.25 inches. Registered conservatively as having 31 inch scapes with three-way branching and 12 to 15 buds. SHAKIN' ALL OVER in 2024 had scapes ranging between 34 inches and 38 inches tall with four-way and five-way branching and 27 buds on the five-way branched scape--way more than its understated ADS registration stats. Starts blooming in early midseason, and sometimes reblooms. Foliage is dormant to semi-evergreen (registered as semi-evergreen). Pollen fertile. Seedling 1561: White Knuckle Ride X Best of Both Worlds $100 (single fan) SOLD OUT
'Sharyn Jones DVM' (Nan Wilkerson/Mary Baker, 2016, tet) |
'Sharyn Jones DVM' (Nan Wilkerson/Mary Baker, 2016, tet) |
SHARYN JONES DVM (Nan Wilkerson/Mary Baker, 2016, tet) is a distinctive clear bright pink blend that is brushed rose pink with a light pink edge and green throat. Flowers measure 7 inches on 30 inch scapes with three-way branching and 15 buds. Unusual form with pinched crispate petals and curling sepals. Pattern is consistent and the precise form is always graceful. Vigorous midseason late bloomer with semi-evergreen foliage. Fertile both ways, although setting pods is sometimes challenging. Named for our wonderful retired veterinarian friend Dr. Sharyn Jones. Nan Wilkerson seedling 05151: CLIFFS OF ABIQUE X BOO WEBSTER. $40 (two fans) SOLD OUT
'Tendrilizer' (Mary Baker, 2021, tet) |
TENDRILIZER (Mary Baker, 2021, tet) is a yellow, peachy pink, and cream polychrome with a deep green throat and toothy edge. It has a larger bloom and narrower form than its sibling TRIMMED IN TENDRILS. Petals often pinch, but not consistently enough to register as an unusual form pinched crispate. Blooms measure 6.75 inches on 34 inch scapes with four-way branching and 30 buds. TENDRILIZER begins blooming in early midseason and continues to bloom over a long period of time. Dormant foliage. It is fertile both ways and sets pods easily. Seedling 1535SecFrN: NEEDLES IN A HAYSTACK X PIRANHA. $100 (two fans) SOLD OUT
'Tribute to Bryan' (Mary Baker, 2024, tet)
'Tribute to Bryan' (Mary Baker, 2024, tet) |
Bryan Culver (pic courtesy of Bryan Culver) |
I first met Bryan Culver when Bryan presented his daylily hybridizing program during the 2017 ADS Region One Meeting in Minneapolis/St. Paul. Bryan greatly impressed me by staying for the very late Friday evening Region One Hybridizers Presentations (most attendees had left; those remaining were mostly us presenters). Bryan was very supportive—enthusiastically cheering us on, encouraging us, and genuinely caring about our programs. But wait—there's more! Bryan was one of Paul Owen's and my students during Garden Judges Workshop 2 at Karol Emmerich's beautiful Springwood Gardens the following Sunday morning (that workshop was SO much fun!).
The daylily TRIBUTE TO BRYAN (Mary Baker, 2024, tet) is near white with heavy substance and a deep green throat. The diamond-dusted blooms measure six inches on 29 inch scapes with four-way branching. Bud count is typically 21 to 25. During our 2022 drought year with very little supplemental irrigation (just enough to keep the grass paths alive), bud count was 17 to 18. Blooms begin in early midseason. Foliage is evergreen. Fertile both ways. Grows vigorously and makes a showy clump. Seedling 1768: White Room X Spacecoast White Frosting $100 (two fans) SOLD OUT
'Trimmed in Tendrils' (Mary Baker, 2021, tet) |
'Trimmed in Tendrils' (Mary Baker, 2021, tet)
TRIMMED IN TENDRILS (Mary Baker, 2021, tet) is a lemon yellow, cream, and pink polychrome with a deep green throat edged in toothy tendrils. Blooms measure 5.75 inches on 34 inch scapes with four-way branching and 28 buds. TRIMMED IN TENDRILS starts blooming in early midseason and continues to bloom over a long period of time. Dormant foliage. It is fertile both ways and sets pods easily. Sibling of TENDRILIZER. Seedling 1535FS: NEEDLES IN A HAYSTACK X PIRANHA. $100 (single fan) SOLD OUT
'Tripping Through Tekamah' (Mary Baker, 2013, tet) |
'Tripping Through Tekamah' (Mary Baker, 2013, tet) scapes in Omaha, Nebraska with soldier beetle visitor |
TRIPPING THROUGH TEKAMAH (Mary Baker, 2013, tet) is a diamond-dusted 6 inch near white with a radiating green throat. Scapes are 35 inches tall with four-way branching and 21 buds. Starts blooming in midseason. Semi-evergreen foliage. Unusual form crispate. Easy pods and powerful pollen. Named for the Nebraska town. Parents are FARGO X TUXEDO JUNCTION. $30 (two fans) SOLD OUT
White Room (Mary Baker, 2023, tet) |
WHITE ROOM (Mary Baker, 2023, tet) is near white with a green throat. So far, WHITE ROOM is the closest to white out of all our seedlings from FARGO. Blooms measure 6.5 inches on 30 inch scapes with three-way branching and 15 buds. Blooms begin in early midseason. Foliage is semi-evergreen. Fertile both ways and sets pods easily. Seedling 1524E: FARGO X SHEIKA $100 (two fans) SOLD OUT
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